Stepping Forward: Part 5: Faith and The Holy Spirit: Embracing Pentecost
Text: Acts 2:1-4 (NKJV) "When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord...
Stepping Forward: Part 4: Faith and Parenting
Good morning, church. Today, we gather to explore profound truths about parenting—a divine...
Stepping Forward: Part 3: Faith and Finances
Imagine a wealthy man preparing for a long journey. Before he departs, he calls his servants and...
Stepping Forward: Part 2: Building Lasting Family Foundations
Have you ever thought about the importance of a solid foundation in life? Picture a sturdy house...
Step Forward in Faith: Part 1: Embracing God’s Favor
Have you ever watched a movie scene where a seance or gathering prompts a lineup of individuals,...
The Isaac Effect: Surrendering What You Love Most to Encounter the Supernatural
Step into a realm where the divine intersects with the earthly, where the ordinary transforms into...
Where is Your Heart? Exploring the Depths of Spiritual Alignment
Welcome Friends, Today, I invite you to embark on a journey of introspection, one that transcends...
The Christ Candle: Illuminating the True Light – Christmas Reflection 2023
Celebrating the Incarnation Through Scripture and Symbolism As we gather in the warm glow of...
The Culmination of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love: Advent 2023 Week Four
Anticipating the Divine Promise in the Fourth Sunday of Advent As we approach the final stretch of...
Embracing Joy in the Advent Journey – Advent 2023 Week Three
A Continuation of Hope and Peace: Cultivating Joy in the Season Welcome back to our Advent blog...